Final spurt in recruitment

Recruitment of project participants will continue until 31 March 2022. By January, 1,500 patients had already been recruited for the study – a good result! As of now, the target of 1,800 participants can therefore be achieved. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all current and future participants. We would also like to thank the documentation assistants employed in the clinics for the study, without whose work it would not have been possible to work this successful.

The second round of interviews

In December 2021 and January 2022, patients who wanted to and were able to continue taking part in the interviews were interviewed for the second time. The motto of these interviews was: “How are you doing three months after rehabilitation ?” and “If you look back at the rehabilitation process…”. This time, the interviews could not take place in person due to the coronavirus, but were again conducted as online focus groups. With a little preparation and consultation, this was no problem at all. The conversations were very pleasant, stimulating, funny but also emotional. We would like to thank you very …

Second advisory board meeting online on 17 November 2021

The second advisory board meeting took place on 17 November 2021, this time online due to coronavirus. The meeting took place in a very pleasant atmosphere with many stimulating and informative discussions. After a brief welcome, the effects of the pandemic and the status of the focus groups were briefly presented. The five participating rehabilitation centers then reported on their experiences and individual circumstances. After the final presentation of the recruitment status and the sample, the meeting flowed smoothly into a very constructive and informative discussion. All participants can be seen on the screenshot. Similar to the first advisory board …