Project news


Work-related medical rehabilitation in patients with mental disorders

Mental disorders and participation

Healthy participation in working life means success and enjoyment in everyday working life. Stress and psychosomatic illness can make it difficult to participate in this important part of life. Work related medical rehabilitation (WMR) can support people return to work and help them to keep our jobs.

In a three-year study, WMR was further developed in a psychosomatic treatment setting and the effectiveness of this rehabilitation strategy was tested. Based on this, in a two-year follow-up study we are working to agree on practice recommendations for the implementation of WMR.

Click here for the published articles and practice recommendations.

Delphi rounds and practice recommendations

At the start of the project, the WMR-PRIME working group formulated 119 proposals for possible practice recommendations. Between March 14, 2024 and March 29, 2024, the proposals were agreed in a Delphi round of anonymous online voting by clinical staff, scientists, pension insurance providers employees and people who had been treated in The recommendations evaluated in the first vote were revised by the WMR-PRIME working group. They were offered to the participants of the first Delphi round for voting again in a second Delphi round between 29.04.2024 and 10.05.2024. Of the 119 recommendations submitted in the second round, two were …

Start of the WMR-PRIME project

After the successful completion of the WMR-P project at the end of 2023, the follow-up project WMR-PRIME was applied for and approved for funding after a positive assessment. The WMR-PRIME project will start at the beginning of 2024 and consists of three work packages: Work package 1 consists of a two-stage Delphi process from which practice recommendations will emerge. Work package 2 includes the implementation of the developed practice recommendations in three rehabilitation facilities. Work package 3 comprises a questionnaire survey with people treated in WMR before and after the implementation of the practice recommendations. We look forward to the …

Progress in our research – A big thank you to everyone involved!

We are pleased to announce that data collection in both, the qualitative and quantitative research fields has been successfully completed! We are in the final stage of the analysis phase and we will soon be able to present the results of our work. Our dedicated teams are already working on publications that will share the findings of this important research. These publications will not only deepen our understanding, but will also act as the basis for a follow-up project. Special thanks go to all those involved who have contributed to this success – from rehabilitation centers to the patients and …

The interviews have been completed

All four interview rounds were successfully completed. The third interview phase took place online in March/April 2022. The employees, team leaders and medical directors were interviewed for the second time. The focus was on changes since the first meeting and the current status. The final interview phase was conducted in September/October 2022. Here, patients were interviewed for the third time. As the period of rehabilitation had already been a whole year for the rehabilitants, the joy of seeing them again, even if only online this time, was all the greater. Some even reported that they were still in contact with …

Final spurt in recruitment

Recruitment of project participants will continue until 31 March 2022. By January, 1,500 patients had already been recruited for the study – a good result! As of now, the target of 1,800 participants can therefore be achieved. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all current and future participants. We would also like to thank the documentation assistants employed in the clinics for the study, without whose work it would not have been possible to work this successful.

The second round of interviews

In December 2021 and January 2022, patients who wanted to and were able to continue taking part in the interviews were interviewed for the second time. The motto of these interviews was: “How are you doing three months after rehabilitation ?” and “If you look back at the rehabilitation process…”. This time, the interviews could not take place in person due to the coronavirus, but were again conducted as online focus groups. With a little preparation and consultation, this was no problem at all. The conversations were very pleasant, stimulating, funny but also emotional. We would like to thank you very …

Second advisory board meeting online on 17 November 2021

The second advisory board meeting took place on 17 November 2021, this time online due to coronavirus. The meeting took place in a very pleasant atmosphere with many stimulating and informative discussions. After a brief welcome, the effects of the pandemic and the status of the focus groups were briefly presented. The five participating rehabilitation centers then reported on their experiences and individual circumstances. After the final presentation of the recruitment status and the sample, the meeting flowed smoothly into a very constructive and informative discussion. All participants can be seen on the screenshot. Similar to the first advisory board …

The first interview block

The first of four interview rounds was completed in October 2021. These focus groups and individual interviews were conducted on site at the rehabilitation centers. Patient groups as well as employees, team leaders and medical directors were interviewed. Many thanks to all participants for these very personal insights into their working and private lives. Every single rehabilitation center had a very special way of welcoming me and my student assistants. Thank you very much for your warmth and excellent organization, everything went as planned. Thanks also go to the documentation assistants of the study. The student assistants are now very …

Preparations for the interviews are in full swing

In September the time has finally come for the first interviews to be conducted in the clinics. We are currently in the “hot phase” of organization and planning. Thanks to the close and excellent cooperation with the documentation assistants and their expertise and commitment, our entire preparation phase has gone smoothly so far. The interview periods and the majority of the clinic’s internal test subjects have been finalized. The application phase for student assistants for the subsequent transcription work is currently going very well. Now a little fine-tuning here and there and September can come!

The documentation assistant

The documentation assistants recruit the WMR rehabilitants in the rehabilitation centers, document, provide information, organize and also act as a link to us project staff. In addition to this diverse range of tasks, all documentation assistants regularly reflect and optimize their processes. The current situation makes many things more difficult, but only motivates the women in these positions even more. We are very grateful for the great cooperation, communication, independence, openness and the really good work.  We all meet regularly via video conference to discuss concerns, questions and problems, but also to share good experiences and exchange ideas.